What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Monday, February 28, 2005

Remembering Our Roots (2-28)

Just because I discussed a scientific aspect for one day doesn't mean that it should be forgotten...

The Envirothon is a program that helps high school kids learn more about the environment.

Also I am going to throw in various links to help engage those students from Friday that enjoyed the trip.

To access the "Envirothon" use the link below...

To view the "Sky And Telescope" use the link below...

To learn information about "Space And Weather" use the link below...

To take a tour of "The Nine Planets" use the link below...

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. It would be in interest to check these links out!

Brief Overview Of Waterford Kettering Schools Field Trip On 2-25 (2-28)

I honestly feel that this trip wasn't a total waste of time. When I say this I mean that the trip was worth the effort that is required to make the trip successful. However, I do have some MINOR gripes. Some of these instances are in regards to myself. I didn't expect the screw up I made on the Space Presentation to get so out of order. In a way it was a blessing in disguise for me. This wasn't because I had some of my comrades helping me. This blessing was realized during my conversation attempt during the screw up. In this attempt, I realized who was engaged in the field trip and who wasn't.

The trip went well the second time around and contained smooth sailing. I especially enjoyed the select group that talked with me before the ride back. The way that questions were piling up and interests flew from one end to the next was quite amazing. The whole group deserves a immediate thank you. I love talking with kids like those because the whole group of kids was interested... not just those six.

I really meant for the Space Presentation to be a discuss segment and these kids knew that.
I hope that we all can stay in contact and in my attempts to do so results should come soon enough.

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. My gratitude goes out to Rita Docks and all the kids involved!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Whoever Said That Anticipation Was A Bad Thing...Lied! (2-23)

Busywork is not existent because something important is created and accomplished everyday. In the latest news... self-directed learning has taken what should be old news and created perfection.

For an in depth look on a "Self-Directed Slam Dunk" use the link below...

For the article "Better Teaching With Technology" use the link below...

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. The field trip is coming together nicely! (Anticipation in a valid dose...)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Friday Feburary 25, 2005

Ref: Student Tour of the Observatory/ Mrs. Dachs, Waterford Kettering and other schools

Jim Ross, Director, MHO
John Ott, Intern, Waterford Kettering High School
John Iras, Educational Consultant, MHO
Paul Briercheck, Educational Science Consultant, MHO


*Brief introduction about the observatory/ John Ott (on the bus ride over)



Brief Histrorical Overview About The Observatory/ Jim Ross

*Goals and objecives regarding today's visit

Tour of the McMath Tower Solar Instrumentation
*Solar viewing via telescope (weather permitting)

*Nature Trail/ Connection to the Food Chain, Natural flora and fauna

*One-man Subermersible

*Radio Station Visit

*Introduction to videoconferencing

Summary discussion about events and future plans at the Observatory

Discovery Summer Camp 2005

Adjourment and Departure

So the news is out and it is exclusive!

Best to all, -John Ott

Events Of Tues. (2-22)

I have found yet another reason to purchase an IPod! If I am not able to get this tool then I will use the old fashioned microphone armed with a little bit of wit. I will provide the link for this outstanding news at the end of this post.

Jim R. keeps on amazing me with his quick intellect and sense of style. In this discussion of my vacation he pinpointed specific ideas in my life which I thought he wasn't sure of! I found it quite amazing, when I feel like I am having a bad day he turns it around. To be honest, today was not a particularly great day. I know I am overexaggerating but that was a big help.

I also acknowledged the agenda that was set for the field trip on Friday. Proper information and agendas will be given out for the administrators to review prior to the trip.
(This will be a separate post.)

To the "iPods Offer Radio With No Rules" article use the link below... http://www.detnews.com/2005/technology/0502/20/A01-94850.htm

To the "Podcasts Are Here"article use the link below...


Best to all, -John Ott

Monday, February 21, 2005

Additions To The Cast (2-21)

I remember that some members of the group need some invites so today is the big day! I can only imagine that the brainwaves inside various teachers screams, CHANGE! I hope that all of you all wizened to make the choice to expound on what you see here. Quite frankly, I look ahead to what this site could become, and what the I will say when we "fix the commonalities of the world." Videoconfrencing is not impossible. If the people in this world think nothing of technology reaping benefits in the classroom, then we have a problem. I urge all of the teachers on this blog to contact any of us if they have questions about what "this collective effort" is about. I have posted about this issue before because this following statement needs to be understood. There should be no questions about today's customers leading the future.

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. Another apology comes from me to all of you. That vacation took me away from my glorious pastime of blogging. Right now I just feel stupid for not getting to this importance a bit sooner. (Maybe "a bit" is a understatement.) Anyway, that type of magnitude of not blogging regularly isn't in my repertoire. Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hey (2-20)

Good to see that I have the chance to finally contribute to this blog! I am sorry about the lack of updates on this and the Observatory (Quest For Finding Yourself) Blog. I have been on vacation and just got back today. If I haven't already sent the invites to the blog mentioned above I will take care of it tomorrow! (2-21)

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. I have been trying to get in touch with the teachers at Waterford Kettering to promote the idea of a Crime Scene Investigation at OTC. So far I haven't had any luck but I'm still working on it! If any members of the group need updates on meetings that have occured please check the Agrivisory Blog.

Here is the link to the Agrivisory blog...
http://nwagrivisory.blogspot.com/ (We need members that can make a difference!) The power to make a change is located at your fingertips.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Recurring Themes (2-9)

It is no surprise to hear that high school needs to be reinvented. Here are some links to a positive experience that should already be happening when students come to school. If school is viewed as a boring place then the time for change is now!! (Or 20 years later...) Schools should contain a positive atmosphere with a fun experience! The best way to obtain this is to read these articles and ask the "customers" (students) what is the best way to "fix" schools.

Best to all, -John Ott

For the "new thinking for new schools" article use the link below...

For the "high tech schools transform learning" article use the link below...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Field Trip Plans (2-8)

I'd be glad to go over some information with you! 2-25 at 9:00 am is good time, but I am hoping that I can ride the bus. I hope to be covering various topics to keep the kids interested.

So far what I am thinking is...
*Brief introduction about the Observatory.
*Tour of two of the towers, (so we can get more time for other activities.)
*Demonstration of design programs, sundials, (illustrations of planets, and orbits.)
*Demonstration of the Video Conferencing Equipment, (dial out and quite possibly interact with people at the Detroit Science Center.)

When I say the word demonstration I mean that everyone will be involved! I would like to take individual pictures of the kids, and I'm sure the group will want one as well. I'm going to need some feedback from everyone on my ideas. These ideas need to be critiqued by Jim R. And yourself. This will be an experience unlike any other!

Best to all, -John Ott

Monday, February 07, 2005

Katelyn's Rough Draft Of The Camp (2-7)

Here it is straight from the master mind herself...

Hey Y'all!
What will this camp look like?

Freedom to choose activities.
ü Ham radios (Mark. Henry. Oscar)
ü Sub (robotic or otherwise)
ü Nature Trails
ü Swamping
ü Livestock management
ü Horse care
ü Gardening + advancements
ü Forensics
ü Telescopes (+ History)
ü Landscape
ü Water Quality/ Experiments & Testing
ü Photography
ü Clay Work
ü Weaving
ü Computer Tech
ü Games (Free Time)
ü Wilderness Survival
Basic knowledge on sustainability will be worked into Activities.
Choosing sleeping arrangements:
ü Oakland Universities Dorm Space
ü Tents Available
Will have a few basic projects worked in that have to do with what the kids have been working on, have a few things to boost confidence.
Still need to work out a few kinks though like length, kids, groups, teachers, mentors, overall cost, we also need to make sure all of us can pitch in.
Please edit when you can.
~Kit Kat

Off Topic... (Shout Out! 2-7)

David has taken a serious step to improve my social life! I bet he will never get this because he rarely checks the blogs! I just wanted to say thank you. I can only hope things between "suspect" and I can move forward!

Also, I see that Katelyn has sent me an email about the camp ideas. These will be posted for further critiquing.

Best to all, -John Ott

Hey Paul... (2-7)

I think we need to find some time to see what that software is about! I am definitely interested in finding new ways to communicate with others! This a great idea for anyone... When it comes to professionalism this could raise some eyebrows! I am free M-F between 11:30 am till 2:10 pm. If you could stop by this week that would be cool! In consideration, we have to look at Jim's schedule because he wasn't at the Observatory today. I want to give him this card but I haven't been able to yet.

I have a headset that could be used as a "microphone test." I am not sure how many USB ports we have available but it is worth a shot, and I don't think I want to swear at you... "yet." I also would like to hear more about the Bluetooth software. It seems that this functionality is becoming quite popular and I'm mystified by how it works! I'm ready to tackle these unknown issues and become the "blog master."

Best to all, -John Ott

Some stuff...


I have a voice recorder similar to Jim's that, with the companion software, allows for you to create WAV files that are easily mailed as attachments. I have not yet tried to attach to a BLOG, but I guess that it's a possibility. The voice recorder attaches via USB to any on-line and away you go...let me know if you think that we might fool around with it. Perhaps the proogram would allow recording with a microphone...then you could swear at me with a passionate inflection in your voice.

I also have a Bluetooth USB attachment for my computer that I have yet to install. It's entire purpose is to alllow my cell-phone to communicate with my computer so that I can manage some accounts while "on the road". We could try to make that work too.

Let me know when you have some time and I'll bring the stuff to the Obs.

Your pen pal,


Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hey John,
Um I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to like post anymore or anything cause I dont get whats going on its kinda hard since I dont live where ya'll do..Good luck with the site keep up the good work

The Jim Redmond Trial Result of 2-2 (2-3)

Here is the news, so far no embezzlement charges have been filed. But, Jim is guilty with a few misdemeanors, fines, and possible jail time.

Use the link below...

Best to all, -John Ott

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I'm Frustrated! (2-1)

The only website I see that allows for multimedia capability on a blog costs money! I am hoping this issue can be solved! I have no problems encoding the data if any of you happen to find a solution to this problem.

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. Try the link below...

Events Of Tues. 2-1

Hey, Jim R., John I., and Paul, how are things going for you guys? I say this because I just can't seem to recover from yesterday and those crazy credentials! Paul knows I was joking about yesterday and I absolutely agree that 1% of would be an ultimate goal. Paul was doing me a big favor because I was able to see life from a new perspective. Life can't always be about diamond rings and a nice car. So throughout this experience I learned a positive lesson. Teachers like Paul set students of future generations toward success.

My search to gain further knowledge about audio bloging is on the runway. Does anybody know of any programs that could get me introduced to this field? I'm all for putting music on this blog as well as imaging programs. So if anyone has information about any programs pertaining to this please let me know. Thank you very much!

Today progress was made with my new friend, Mel Drum. He used to be part of the Detroit Science Center. He was fired for setting THE PATHWAY TO SUCCESS. All of us should know he now works in Ann Arbor with SUCCESS... what a concept! When Mel is not defined as the Webster's visionary, success will follow him wherever he goes. A hands-on approach creates an immersive experience that any science center must have! Any "customer" of today's technology should find time to check this out!

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. Paul is cool, so he deserves a hug. (Hug) I can't wait for that Agriscience meeting on (2-10.) I can't wait to show those Oakland Schools representatives what a seventeen year old "customer" can do!

All in a day's work


If we are dealing with a mere 1% of the population in instances such as that, we are very fortunate. My estimate is closer to 40% in the population.

Having spent 40 years trying to teach many of the 40% algebra, geometry and trigonometry, physics and basic computer applications, I thought that I was doing a favor for you. No need to resort to faux sarcasm...I can't be insulted...keep it real!

Yourpen pal,
