What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Monday, February 07, 2005

Katelyn's Rough Draft Of The Camp (2-7)

Here it is straight from the master mind herself...

Hey Y'all!
What will this camp look like?

Freedom to choose activities.
ü Ham radios (Mark. Henry. Oscar)
ü Sub (robotic or otherwise)
ü Nature Trails
ü Swamping
ü Livestock management
ü Horse care
ü Gardening + advancements
ü Forensics
ü Telescopes (+ History)
ü Landscape
ü Water Quality/ Experiments & Testing
ü Photography
ü Clay Work
ü Weaving
ü Computer Tech
ü Games (Free Time)
ü Wilderness Survival
Basic knowledge on sustainability will be worked into Activities.
Choosing sleeping arrangements:
ü Oakland Universities Dorm Space
ü Tents Available
Will have a few basic projects worked in that have to do with what the kids have been working on, have a few things to boost confidence.
Still need to work out a few kinks though like length, kids, groups, teachers, mentors, overall cost, we also need to make sure all of us can pitch in.
Please edit when you can.
~Kit Kat


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