What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Monday, February 21, 2005

Additions To The Cast (2-21)

I remember that some members of the group need some invites so today is the big day! I can only imagine that the brainwaves inside various teachers screams, CHANGE! I hope that all of you all wizened to make the choice to expound on what you see here. Quite frankly, I look ahead to what this site could become, and what the I will say when we "fix the commonalities of the world." Videoconfrencing is not impossible. If the people in this world think nothing of technology reaping benefits in the classroom, then we have a problem. I urge all of the teachers on this blog to contact any of us if they have questions about what "this collective effort" is about. I have posted about this issue before because this following statement needs to be understood. There should be no questions about today's customers leading the future.

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. Another apology comes from me to all of you. That vacation took me away from my glorious pastime of blogging. Right now I just feel stupid for not getting to this importance a bit sooner. (Maybe "a bit" is a understatement.) Anyway, that type of magnitude of not blogging regularly isn't in my repertoire. Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused.


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