What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Monday, February 28, 2005

Brief Overview Of Waterford Kettering Schools Field Trip On 2-25 (2-28)

I honestly feel that this trip wasn't a total waste of time. When I say this I mean that the trip was worth the effort that is required to make the trip successful. However, I do have some MINOR gripes. Some of these instances are in regards to myself. I didn't expect the screw up I made on the Space Presentation to get so out of order. In a way it was a blessing in disguise for me. This wasn't because I had some of my comrades helping me. This blessing was realized during my conversation attempt during the screw up. In this attempt, I realized who was engaged in the field trip and who wasn't.

The trip went well the second time around and contained smooth sailing. I especially enjoyed the select group that talked with me before the ride back. The way that questions were piling up and interests flew from one end to the next was quite amazing. The whole group deserves a immediate thank you. I love talking with kids like those because the whole group of kids was interested... not just those six.

I really meant for the Space Presentation to be a discuss segment and these kids knew that.
I hope that we all can stay in contact and in my attempts to do so results should come soon enough.

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. My gratitude goes out to Rita Docks and all the kids involved!


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