What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Sorry About The Wait! (5-26)

If anyone was interested in reading the final argumentitive for the video game paper here it is.

John Ott
Mrs. Noguera
English 1520
20 April 2006

Video Games Exposed
Video games and their makers get a lot of news from the public, and to no surprise the results are “unacceptable.” New ideas are often viewed the same way. What is the reason for this? Change would be a good place to start. Change causes stress, which attacks the body and causes it to work to overcome the pain. Relief is not far away. Video games no longer have to be viewed as expensive additions that quiet the kids and tarnish their Harvard scholarships. Forget about the media, polls, state representatives, and what Mom says is good for you. Video games are not new, but the ability to change the way the world works is. Is technology the way of the future? If it isn’t, it couldn’t be brought to readers across the world in this format. Although it may seem subjective, an idea starts small, with little knowing of the impact it will ensue. Quietly video games have become improvements of what they are known to be, and changing the way the world works. Should video games continue to change the world or be shunned away?
What do video games actually do to the brain? The Effect of Video Games on the Brain by Eleni Kardaras suggests, “They [video games] can increase aggressive behavior and emotional outbursts, and decrease inhibitions” (Effect 1). This statement should be a warning sign about more then video games themselves. Are video games really making people hostile? Kardaras states, “I had the chance to observe the effects on two boys ages eight and ten. When the younger brother won a race in Mario Kart, the older brother started kicking him and yelling insults” (Effect 1). Observations are, indeed, powerful, but what can’t be seen on the outside are adamant changes of brain chemistry. Akio Mori, professor at Tokyo’s Nihon University conducted an experiment to track brain activity. He divided 260 people into three groups according to play time: 0-1 hour a day, 1-3 hours a day, and 2-7 hours a day. From those groups he monitored beta waves that indicate the level of liveliness inside an active brain. Mori discovered that, “Beta wave activity was constantly near zero on those that had the highest amount of video game playing. They got angry easily, couldn’t concentrate, and had trouble associating with friends” (Effect 1). This study does indicate a couple of points. The decrease in beta wave activity could be the reason these emotions are taking place, and the decrease in beta waves creates a lingering effect. Does the brain interpret these images in video games as real life? From these studies, the lingering effect was sufficient enough to have the brain perceive this to be true.

Is it possible to have exercised while playing video games? Evidence suggests that the autonomic nerves of the brain are altered while in the influence of gaming. “Many video games stir up tension and feelings of fear. Breathing and heart rate can be altered from emotional centers in the brain, resulting in increased heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen consumption” (Effect 2). The effects can be felt almost immediately, but the actual results of calories lost are undetermined. The outlook to video games and exercise can be represented in other ways though. Exercise can be beneficial, “Physical activity does not need to be hard to provide some benefit.” (Benefit 1). How can intensity be determined? Health experts emphasize, “Moderate intensity physical activity results in some increase in breathing or heat rate, and a “perceived exertion” of 11 to 14 on the Borg scale” (Benefit 3). To put this in other words, your heart should be beating fairly quickly, but not to the point where conversation is constantly broken and impossible to engage in due to need of constant oxygen. Grams of fat and calories are not entirely different from one another. Grams of fat up to 60, and calories up to 3500, involve weight gain that equals one pound. The symptoms of moderate physical activity can incorporate loss of up to three calories a minute.

James Flynn, a philosophy professor, discovered an interesting trend: average IQ scores have been increasing for decades. How is this possible with sub par educational media? Steven Johnson is a well known advocate of gaming and education. He is also the author of the article “Dome Improvement.” Johnson suggests, “Hint: Stop reading the great authors and start playing Grand Theft Auto” (Improvement 1). Critics attack the impact of IQ collectively, calling it general intelligence. Flynn didn’t dismiss general intelligence as the ability to think concretely. As Flynn looked in the IQ matter he discovered, “In 1947 through 1972 was 0.31 IQ point, but by the ‘90’s it crept up to 0.36” (Improvement 2). The “Flynn effect” is renowned; its existence has not been without question, however. How are measures of intelligence constantly on the rise? Heredity contains most of what we will know and never know. William Dickens a colleague of Flynn’s at the Brookings Institute deciphers, “Somebody who starts out with a physiological advantage may tend to enjoy pick up basketball games because of the minor height advantage over the other players. That sets up a cycle that could take him all the way to the NBA” (Improvement 3). It can be said genetics can be magnified by the environment, and magnified by the level of enjoyment exerted in the activity. Flynn goes on to explain, “Let’s say we’re too cheap to hire good high school math teachers. So while we want to improve, we just don’t” (Improvement 4). Another way IQ is determined is through a study called the “Raven Test.” Over the last fifty years we have been dealing with explosion of new technologies. The test is designed to interpret the brain’s ability in solving visual grids. Video games can be described as visual grids in striking similarity. Johnson stresses, “Visual puzzles are the whole point of the exercise whether it’s the spatial geometry of Tetris, the engineering riddles of Myst, or the urban mapping of Grand Theft Auto” (Improvement 4). The best way to boost your brain may be through video games.

Positron emission tomography or (PET) scan is an examination of radiation from brain waves. These waves depict the amount of activity in the brain at any point and time. While these waves are commonly used to study the effects of cancer, the scans can be used on the entire body. With EEG Neurofeedback systems, PET images are observable while playing video games. In order for the game to function the participant must think of what to do in the situation in order to complete the objective. That idea is what makes playing video games positive. The brain has to incorporate the drive and wherewithal to carry out any task. EEG information listed below hints, “What they are forgetting to tell you is that the benefits of EEG Neurofeedback are due to improvement in brain function” (EEG 2). Is it possible to learn more by playing more video games? EEG information also states, “The benefits to jogging are not confined to simply running faster. The benefits are improved muscle tone, cardiovascular fitness, and increased vitality” (EEG 2). The benefits of playing video games could lead to improvement in multiple parts of the brain. Benefits such as increased hand-eye coordination, improved mental quickness, and improved mental accuracy all can be helpful in more then just video game play as well.

Was life in video gaming different from what it is today? From the behavioral aspect life seems to be incredibly similar. In the late 1980’s Duck Hunt was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System. (NES) This game caused violent behavior not because of shooting ducks, “It was due to the brown dog laughing at you every time you missed shooting a duck” (Flashback NES 1). Criminal behavior was uprooted as well, resulting in trouble that left a scaring effect. A Gamespot Editor says, “Even though policies were different back then, it isn’t that different today. “I got in lot of trouble getting caught in the process of a long term rent. I also became very embarrassed returning a game I didn’t like due to having to adhere to the same receipt” (Flashback NES 2). Behavior was also involved in the system itself. A representative says, “I beat up my NES when it wouldn’t turn on” (Flashback NES 3). Some examples from today’s technology troubles include, illegally returning games to receive store credit, having to “buy” five Playstation 2 systems due to the system failure, and putting mod chips in Xbox systems in order to even enjoy them. Is playing video games more important then work? A Gamespot web designer claims, “I spent all of my time taking care of my NES and making sure it was in working order. If I mishap occurred I would blow in the game cartridge to make it work, or if all else fails I would pray. The work I had to do was done on work time” (Flashback NES 2). Is playing video games more important then school? A game director explains, “I only went to school to talk about NES games” (Flashback NES 3). As previously explained, the effect video games have on kids also spread to adults. When the Playstation 2 first was available in stores people waited in line and called in to work sick simultaneously. If the item that becomes available is interesting people will do whatever they can to get their hands on it. From the above example, it can be said that people act like more of that item will never be available again.

Forget about playing video games and start making them. Technology is advancing at a pace that is almost impossible to keep up to. Physical and visual stimulation is constantly being revamped to steer interest in others toward gaming. Michigan Computer Training (MCT) technicians explain, “Those who are motivated enough can get jobs in this field. MCT offers training and consulting in Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Java, and Linux technologies. Networking, database and development classes are available as well” (CT 1). There is no need to be skeptic about the qualifications of MCT students. Students must demonstrate Microsoft Office skills, computer programming skills, consulting skills, and a desire to succeed. A MCT student explains, “Certain computer professions have still been expanding, businesses that have held off investing or hiring professionals will quickly realize the need to bring on skilled computer professionals” (CT 2). Job employment is tough in today’s market but those who work to complete the program can rest easy in knowing people with those skills are highly regarded and recruited, even if it isn’t in Michigan.

The uproar about video games has recently been discovered due to the birth of the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. (MMORPG) Online video games have created a learning community that is technically complex and contains in-world stock exchanges. Players begin to realize their efforts as others try to trade for that one rare item that will make the other player very happy. The realm of in-world stock exchanges can be discovered when others post their items in game in exchange for real money. This situation is really “play money.” Many children exchanged items and services in exchange for play money which would give them access to gifts they wanted. While video gaming does not beat a job in terms of economic status Ron Blechner who works with the Second Life Community Convention states, “Digital objects such as a customized Samurai sword that changes colors earn him about $200 a month” (Learning Communities 2). These activities help aggregate into large communities which all involve the same goal, to help each other out. What is so great about the MMORPG is the ease of which it is possible to find the help that is needed. Since the server is able to accommodate large communities it can be split into sub-categories to help maximize what the user is looking for. So where does it all relate to learning? Distance learning is often used in the classroom and workplace to set up activity based workshops to implore the group setting. Joel Foreman discusses, “These communities also will decentralize the role of the teacher, and will motivate groups of students to self-organize into interdisciplinary, collaborative teams” (Learning Communities 2). Even though these tactics are being used in intricate college settings this is not the model for the future of education. Engaging in a MMORPG is creating an unpredictable cyberspace in which a significant amount of the world is migrating to a virtual environment. Even if this is not where we are now, this is a relatively accurate description of where we will be in about twenty years. Already there are two million people playing the MMORPG World of Warcraft alone. Joel Foreman evaluates, “At the same time they [MMORPG)] are creating a model of a high performance collaborative learning system that could eventually replace the bricks and mortar of the nineteenth century model that Americans currently pay $500 plus billion per year to maintain” (Learning Communities 2).
In 2006, are teachers becoming obsolete? That is totally untrue, but the methods they are using does need some work. Good teachers know how to eliminate the gap with or without technology quite well. They know how to engage students and motivate them as well. What can teachers do to eliminate this gap? Joel Foreman debates, “Video games provide intense multimodal experiences that blend near-photorealistic 3D graphics, and animation, and sound effects, videogames are powerful problem solving and guided discovery tools” (Videogames and Teachers 1). Presently it is safe to say most teachers either are incapable or unwilling to incorporate video games into the lesson plan. However, video conferencing has the ability to expand the lesson plan while it is closely related to video games. In video conferencing, it is possible to interact with others who really know what the lesson plan is all about. All of the interaction that drives people to play video games is located in video conferencing, and students are able to ask questions about the material in the live presentation. All of the traits that Joel Foreman describes of great teachers can be expanded to anyone that has access to videoconferencing. The reason collaborative environments need to be implemented is because technology is continually grabbing the minds of the young people, which means the non-interactive lecture hall isn’t resonating with the young minds anymore.

Video games are getting attention for the wrong reasons because of controversial events. While it is true that video games contain blood and gore, intense violence, sexual themes, and mild language, doesn’t mean that all games do. Those protesting the positive aspects of video games will begin to understand that video games are changing the way the world thinks and acts. The development that has been occurring within the past twenty years has been staggering, and this doesn’t include graphics. Complexity is the reason why video games are in demand. People plan strategy to implement victory on multiple playing fields, while talking to others from all over the world. All of this planning is what makes up innovative thinkers, and what drives employers to hire someone to work for their company. The next time a student is blowing out the brains of a few sewer zombies means that they will be successful on more then the gaming field itself.

Aspiring Writer? (5-26)

My first "professional" video game review has been posted on the GameFAQS website. After initially getting rejected I didn't lose heart, I made some changes and discovered some priorities of what supplements a good review. The review can be seen at... http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/review/R101442.html

I had also been doing some searching and from the result of that game I had discovered a new website. http://www.youtube.com/ In the site people from around the globe publish and upload videos to many different interests. Not only do we already have access to pictures, but maybe video as well.

Officially I'm now a member of the Phi Theta Kappa. It is an honor society for two year college students who plan to transfer to further their plans for education. Within a few weeks I will be done with my last class for the summer. As I finish criminal justice I will get in contact with Jim to see if we can't break some ground over the summer months.

I have also been getting down some driving time, but it isn't as much as I would hope. This is not because of ability, but because of busy work schedules.

I thought that from leaving the Observatory that I would lose myself as well as lose the aspirations to achieve what I want and for what would better society. However, I had lost my way at times, but I think I truly understand what it means to be a responsible adult. The road to life can never be easy and that's the way it should be. From the solutions that are announced should be the determining factors for what makes a good person. Not because mistakes have been made, but because mistakes have been manifested in a way that it makes the person better.

P.S. Thanks for all of the advice and help along the way!

Best to all, -John Ott

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Nintendo DS Changing The World! (5-7)

I don't have anything academic here, but since I have been away for awhile between meeting family and driving I have had some free time. I have had the chance to purchase some titles for the DS that are entertaining.

Brain Age has been getting acclaim for the methods to train the brain in reading, writing, and arithmetic. This game has allowed me to have fun learning in other aspects that involve those examples.

The DS also has WI-FI connectivity that allows for extreme fun against others around the globe.

Three exceptional titles I have are Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters and LostMagic. I would reiterate on them but I believe them to be so magnificent that the experience should be left on the person to decide on whether or not to pursue with payments.

What makes these systems great is the ability to use the stylus to engage in playing beside pressing the buttons. It gives the user ultimate control over what their fate will be when they play online.

In order to play online you will need wireless internet access via where it is offered or through internet connection at home courtesy of the Nintendo USB Connector that plugs into the USB port. Insert the installation disc into your Windows XP computer and your all set. The process is as simple as counting to ten.

The only inconvenience is that to play online with other friend codes must be swapped. Check message boards via www.gamefaqs.com or www.nintendo.com to find solutions. There are many gamers out there waiting to challenge you including myself.

My friend codes for the following games are listed below...
Mario Kart DS (MKDS) 0129-5735-1399
Metroid Prime Hunters (MPH) 0559-0702-4673
LostMagic (All one word) 0430-2212-3756

Best to all, -John Ott

P.S. As for the news on me someone wise once said, "All is well."