What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Mindless AIM Chatter... Makes Me Wonder Why I Try And Help People... (6-26)

(*This will be a post with misspellings and incoherent indecisiveness..... (A word of advice from the cry of help brought about by the uninformed...)

For the record... I don't enjoy mindless chatter....

nterparis: hi (Blogger Extraordinaire John)

QueenRos7: sup

nterparis: what have you been up to?

QueenRos7: partying all day and getting in trouble

nterparis: hahahaha

QueenRos7: mom didnt really care

nterparis: you must make her proud

QueenRos7: her baby is just growing up and she needs to know that

nterparis: well it is quite easy to see that "she" is

QueenRos7: ya scott was over and people saw what we were doing ans todl my mom

nterparis: well people aren't readly examined for for happpens in the real world

QueenRos7: no they are just people who tell on other people

QueenRos7: i was so pissed but ya me and scott should have waited til we were alone

nterparis: can you sing?

nterparis: if so how well

QueenRos7: why

nterparis: i want to know

QueenRos7: well it has to be a song i know really well

nterparis: oh ok...

QueenRos7: ya

QueenRos7: but why

nterparis: just wanted to know

QueenRos7: o ok

nterparis: people with musical talent know how to express themselves in more ways then just the norm... they ususally can carry a wisdom that is not found in all relationships....

nterparis: this however takes some soul searching

QueenRos7: ok

QueenRos7: ok for whatever that was post to tell me

nterparis: your so lost in your own little world that it doesn't matter what I say

nterparis: It is such a bore for me to talk to you

nterparis: because you ramble on about all the stuff you do... that nobody else could care about.... reach out and enlighten your mind

(I say this because I have tried to help her for almost 6 months now!)

QueenRos7: ok

nterparis: in simple terms......nterparis: your wasting time for others that want a chance to be creative and help the world.... don't take this in the wrong context...... i'm saying this because I want to see you succeed in life

nterparis: i've said it 5 times already and all in different ways....

nterparis: you need to catch on or fail

QueenRos7: ok

nterparis: set goals for yourself and follow them

nterparis: realistic progressive goals

nterparis: that help shape you to be a better person

nterparis: don't plan to do it all in one day

nterparis: make it a work in progress that you fill the gap in with your entire life

nterparis: that you break down day by day piece by piece

nterparis: god... i could write my own self -help book..... and help others....

nterparis: cause i sound all philosophical (I like my witty humor!)

QueenRos7: ok

QueenRos7: whatever

nterparis: ur hopeless...

QueenRos7: ok

nterparis: ur going to think back on what I said in about 20 years

QueenRos7: ok

nterparis: and it will hit you in the face and it will hurt

nterparis: i'm wasting my time here....

QueenRos7: ok

nterparis: don't youwant to do something with your life?!

QueenRos7: yes

nterparis: what is it?

QueenRos7: go to college

nterparis: and be what?

QueenRos7: a secatary

(Nice to be able to look back and think she was going to college.... however this response made me laugh for quite a while!)

Trust me when I say I have done more then my share of help on this one!

Best to all, -John Ott

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Summer Program 2005 / Update

Hi John:

Sorry to hear of your personal life experience. As you already know forgiveness with understanding is a virtue.

As regards the Summer Program here is an update.

WSU hosts game, extreme sports challenge: Wayne State University will host pro skateboarder Reese Forbes at the Xtreme Challenge Aug. 12-14 at the Pontiac Silverdome. The event is hosted by U Name It Events and Entertainment L.L.C. of Pontiac and is expected to attract more than 200,000 game enthusiasts. Participants will compete in computer and video game challenges, live sporting tournaments like three-on-three basketball, a soccer shootout, flag football, wall climbing, skateboarding and a paintball tournament -- all for big prizes. There will also be a digital filmmaking competition and a digital music producer competition. There will also be celebrity guests and musical performances, video game workshops and showcases for new technology and sporting products. Event profits will fund the development of the Center for Digital Arts & New Media in Pontiac, which will promote technology for youth. Tickets are $12 per day or $25 for the weekend. As part of an agreement with 93.1 WDRQ Doug-FM, WSU students and employees pay $9.31 per day, a savings of $2.69, or $15.69, a savings of $9.31, for a three-day pass. Visit http://www.xtremechallengelive.com/ for ticket information, a list of events and to register for the games.

Dan Pesserl is responsible for the web-site development. The observatory is helping to shape, support and participate in this initiative to create funding for a Digital SMART Center for YOUTH in downtown Pontiac. Let me know what your thoughts might be.

Other Summer Program activities are progressing along lines we have previously discussed. Let me know what your schedule will allow regarding visiting the observatory and finding ways to engage your mind, body and soul in the weeks ahead. (;<)



Sunday, June 19, 2005


Looking forward to continuing on the paramount of life, and possible career! Just wondering if there was any new news about the summer camp and possible events that coincide with it...

Sorry for the lack posts... After the commencement ceremony I went and visited with my Grandma (the one from the "select fifty") and hoped to hang out and collaborate awhile. I learned later that my uncle had an epileptic seizure. As for the family it has been a long week. I am hoping now that my uncle has learned from his mistakes and decides to put down drinking for good. (However, I think I may still be recovering from what I have witnessed.)

Hope all is well!

Best to all, -John Ott

Monday, June 13, 2005

Start Of Positive Experiences (6-13)

I'm looking forward to a busy summer, this one is no exception! I'm going to be taking my placement exam for OCC this week. I also am planning to get driving underway, summer camp, xtreme challenge, and job plans are underway! Open houses always seem to come on the most inconvenient as well. Although, I am looking forward to them as well!

Best to all, -John Ott

P.S. Keep me posted! If anyone wants pictures of the all night party let me know!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!


Welcome to it's beginning! Sorry I missed the event yesterday. Flat tire on the side of the road KIND of describes it. Hope all is well. Keep me in your loop.



Monday, June 06, 2005

Self-Directing... Steps Toward Being Smart And Involved! (6-6)

Love Ladder
Everyone needs a certain person, place, or thing, to get them through the day. As a child we begin this process by idolizing something that we are fond of. Either way, we need to be smart and think about what is important to us. The following will explain the main goals of this ladder.
We first need to be in touch with ourselves. This gives a grasp of self belonging… and worth to achieve in certain situations. When we know who we are, then we can set to achieve what we wish.
Second, we idolize who gave us nourishment. We believe we can’t survive without this person so we feel that a great debt is owed to him or her.
Third, we idolize the entertainer. We are fond of a little fun now and again so then we feel that he or she is worth keeping around.
Fourth, we idolize an older person in the family. The reason being is that we admire the qualities in that person and want to be like that person. We want those qualities in ourselves!
Fifth, we idolize a celebrity. This is a person with talents beyond our grasp. This is why we ascertain to be better.
Sixth, as we grow up and start going to school we bond with those that are of the same sex. We consider them to be like-minded individuals… so we have fun with them as well.
Seventh, repeating step six we define who we are with the opposite sex. They do things that we can’t so we work to find out how to cope with that.
The last two steps are defined by the love of another. As we mature we find “the one.” This person shows us who we are, as well as how to care for the world. When we lose that person… another will come. Using past experiences we better ourselves for the next adventure.
Skipping several steps means disaster! We must find who we are and what we want before we are truly ready for what we may face!
Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. "Happy people" are smart people!

Plans For The Week (6-6)

Due to the senior walkout and exams following this week... I will call about the observatory today. (6-6) So I will be keeping up with you guys and still following plans that may come up. We will have to discuss summer visits and other sceneries as well!

Best to all, -John Ott

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Science Enthusiasts Gather Round! (6-2)

This site has found a new home by the ears of others. I have come to post some of the coolest science equipment known to man. If you ever wanted to learn how to make a tesla coil, laser, video camera, or any other device to suit your interest, this website has it all.
Leave the production to professionals! (You have been warned!)

Best to all, -John Ott

P.S. Some funny legal disclaimers...

Some of the items we carry are "DANGEROUS" and may be "ILLEGAL" in your state or country. Please be sure to check local laws "BEFORE" ordering.

It is the responsibility of the buyer, not the seller, to ascertain and obey all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws in the regard to the possession, use and sale of any item purchased from Information Unlimited, Inc.. Absolutely no sales to minors. By placing an order, the buyer represents that the products ordered will be used only in a lawful manner and that he/she is of legal age. Information Unlimited, Inc. will not be held liable for the misuse of any product purchased from us or any of our direct distributors or dealers. Also, whereas no product is 100% effective against attack, Information Unlimited Inc. assumes no responsibility if a personal safety product purchased from us is not effective in preventing bodily injury or death.

Begin your quest now at... http://www.amazing1.com/

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A Plethora Of Innovative Technologies Strive Toward A Positive Future Through 5-28 and 6-1 (6-1)

I had to combine several topics in order to create an immersive and engaging blog, as well as talk about some of my own experiences. Needless to say, I have been working in order to make a positive aspect come forth and hit me in the face. From summer camp, role-playing games, video game systems, graphics, and productive ways of thinking, I have maintained some future insight. So I hope this news is well perceived and invigorating for the collective as it is for me.

Summer camp is progressing as far as the work that has been put in to establish this feat. Those that are interested into developing their ideas as an activity that is helped to build and promote fun and positive reinforcement should let me know. Everyone interested so far seems to think that the experience can only be geared toward money and money. (I am using the same word intentionally!) Any task that is dreamed up within a realm of possibility can be accomplished with the correct work ethic and desire. (That is for your imagination to decide!)

Anyone interested should visit www.mcmathhulbert.org for directions, or call (248) 889-5948 and I will pass the information to the director of the Observatory; Jim Ross, if you can't get a hold of him. If checking the web or calling isn't possible, I would be glad to distribute my card for possible set up for the summer camp and further convergence at the Observatory. If visiting, the most preferable idea would be to call Jim first.

The guests for summer camp include various groups of children from different schools, and the Amerris High School program initiative. Visit http://www.amerris.org/ for information about them. If anyone is inclined to contact Amerris then it is possible to get the information at the website. I would give out the information but I don't want to falsify any intention to make an effort.

These groups gave a hint that the following activities were good ideas... (After going over the ideas I found the previous agenda for the Waterford Kettering field trip to be sufficient. Remember these are IDEAS! THE AGENDA WILL BE PLANNED WHEN THE GROUP IS PRESENT!)

Jim Ross, Director, MHO
John Ott, Intern, Waterford Kettering High School
John Iras, Educational Consultant, MHO
Paul Briercheck, Educational Science Consultant, MHO

Agenda (IDEAS)

*Brief introduction about the observatory/ John Ott (on the bus ride over)
*Arrival, sign-in and introductions
*Brief Historical Overview About The Observatory/ Jim Ross
*Goals and objectives regarding today's visit
*Tour of the McMath Tower
*Solar Instrumentation
*Solar viewing via telescope (weather permitting)
*Nature Trail/ Connection to the Food Chain, Natural flora and fauna
*One-man submersible
*Radio Station Visit
*Introduction to videoconferencing
*Summary discussion about events and future plans at the Observatory

Discovery Summer Camp 2005

These groups may want to engage into some pre-activity in preparation for the summer camp. This leads me to believe that I may need to set up a post blog before the trip and invoke videoconfrencing as a pilot toward a common goal that will be implemented.
(Unlike the failing K-12 education.)

I think it would be a good idea to interview the students to gain incite on the future, as well as future summer camp plans and educational premises in life and the classroom.

Graphics are of utmost importance to create an appealing experience toward any endeavor. This is more evident because of the changing types of people in accordance to the future customers of America. So I am going to post some links that may spark interest and possible job opportunities for those that are beginners or seasoned veterans. When the windows operating system debuts in early 2006, be prepared for those that will expose flaws on launch day!
(My hat is off the thousands that will discover and manipulate them.)
The following graphics links are found below...
Who doesn't want or already have a cell phone? Cell phones can be used as the main phone that allows you to use free long distance and other plans. What if the home phone and cell phone could be used synonymously to allow the features off of both phones to be manipulated at your pleasure? Sound interested... if so visit http://www.uniden.com/ for information.
Captivated by the latest and greatest movies out right now? Don't be stunned... this technology is not new... but the effort is a new mandate. Effort and innovate thinkers are needed more then ever and the need is only going to increase as America continues the downward spiral. It is sad that America only acts in a sense of urgency! I guess the collective is to busy feeding their face in their comfortable life. Filmmakers, now is your chance to change society. America is captivated by movies and the media, together we will use our invigorating talents to deliver a clarion call. http://www.avid.com/products/xpressFamily/
If you haven't heard of this category of gaming then I believe that this section is not for you. These gamers range from the casuals looking for a new experience, to hardcore gamers who live and breathe to obtain everything in the game.
(I don't believe in stereotypes but I need to keep the section simple to stop rambling!)
I only prefer games that are without a subscription fee to play. I have to say I am an avid console gamer so fees are nonsense to me. However, some games that have caught my eye will be posted below because of creativity, fun, interaction level, playablity, and availability. Some games listed may be real time strategy (RTS) but they contain patches that allow for expanded content that contains elements of MMORPG.
Please feel free to add to the list of MMORPG, if you are inclined to do this, please separate the lists between the subscription and non-subscription games.
Diablo universe... Breakthrough game is...
"Diablo II: Lord Of Destruction" (Available in a box set)
Warcraft universe... Breakthrough game is...
"Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne" (Available in a box set)
Starcraft universe... Breakthrough game is...
"Starcraft: Brood War" (Available in a box set)
Neverwinter Nights universe... Breakthrough game is...
"Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark" (Available in a box set)
Command and Conquer universe... Breakthrough game is...
"Command and Conquer: Yuri's Revenge"
I will provide both links... Because I don't have a clue about generals... Although I heard good things about that game as well.
For the C&C universe and other happenings use the link below... http://www.eagames.com/official/cc/redalert2/english/newfeatures.jsp
For the C&C Generals universe use the link below...
A hot new MMORPG has hit the market! The new "Guild Wars" is taking this genre by storm with revolutionary gameplay, and no fees! Check out the site!
I have only found this following game online at http://www.postal2.com/ The following game is as controversial as the stereotypical "Grand Theft Auto." I think censorship is ridiculous because this is a VIDEO GAME! The violence isn't real... please watch your kids... and if the material is unacceptable make the fact known.
An online "Grand Theft Auto" is now in the works. For details use the link below...
A new downloadable MMORPG called "FATE" is established to run with your DSL/Cable connection. For details use the link below... (It will be free when the bugs are fixed.)
Everquest universe... breakthrough game is...
"Everquest II"
World of Warcraft universe... breakthrough game is...
"World of Warcraft"
(Spin off of the successful Warcraft franchise... Working fairly well so far!)
Final Fantasy XI universe... breakthrough game is...
"Final Fantasy XI Chains of Promathia"
(First time as an MMORPG approach... it is Final Fantasy... you can guess the sales pitch!)
I need to throw in a little side note before the television comparison. When buying a major product it is important to think before you buy. It is important to not be an "impulse buyer." I really don't want to have to say that I have to tell the collective how to think but I think I have to. Thinking takes a self-examined individual. Thinking is contained in three parts, process, product, and creativity. Take time to THINK decisions through.
The choices for televisions include CRT, Projection, LCD, and Plasma. Each type obviously contains advantages and disadvantages. For a tale of the tape use the links below...
For CRT television comparisons use the link below...
For Projection television comparisons use the link below...
For LCD television comparisons use the link below...
For Plasma television comparisons use the link below...
XBOX 360!
I am satisfied that Bill Gates and his fellow workers are working to epitomize the new "customers" and their busy and on going world of now. What this means for the future America is explained in the following list.
*Bill Gates wants operation.
*Bill Gates won't know the potential of the XBOX 360 until the release date.
*The XBOX 360 will eliminate the wave of ambiguity.
* What was needed to be discovered now has been found. Creativity could be discovered for the first time in no bounds.
*The XBOX 360 will be the telephone, music, internet, movie, software editor, and video game player, with only a few cords to deal with... think wireless!
I can't express what obstacles this system could crush!
Read the upcoming information in the link below...
This took a lot of work! I hope that when I publish this, my "Outstanding Senior" powers will promote this post. ("Not another award...") I love my job! Thanks goes out to all of the influential people in my life. (Those involved in this effort know who they are.)
Thank you Waterford Kettering! I will continue to promote my efforts toward society and allow those who wish to challenge, liberate, stun, and free their minds if they choose to do so.
Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. Come join us at Summer Camp 2005! For the official details on the technology advocate Xtreme Challenge Live, access the blog, and click the link 6-1 post.
To access the Xtreme Challenge Live blog use the link below...