What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Grant Opportunity / DUE BY FRIDAY


Don't know if this is relevant. But you might want to check it out.


Please let me know if you need anything form me.



Sunday, March 27, 2005

A Virtual Experience


Hope all finds you well. Check this out and let me know what your thoughts might be.




Thursday, March 17, 2005

Favor To Ask.... (3-17)

Since my birthday is coming soon I was thinking of doing something constructive. After all of these papers and tests are finished I would like to go back and contribute more of my time to reading. I ask all of you to please list for me any books that you recommend for me to take a look at. Please post like this example below.

EXAMPLE ("Put Creative Title Here") ...don't just say Joe's book list.

Books Type
"Catcher In The Rye" Funny, and talks in stream of consciousness.
"Sum Of All Fears" War, and science fiction.
List by: Joe Smith

I will take any recommendations into consideration as long as it isn't a romance novel.
Thanks for your efforts!

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. I tried to space this out to be easier to read but it doesn't seem like I can keep it that way.

Splitting Into A Third Party? (3-17)

I can only guess that the previous non updated blogs need some other methods to start to bubble... I am going to take Dan's advice and start up a list serve. This should be done in a couple of weeks.... only because I have some major papers and seminars to do in the next couple of weeks.

For the seminars, I have to talk about the "conscription of troops!" I can only imagine what the teachers will feel when I practically show them that a student such as myself knows what is really going on in the world. No matter what is hidden from me.

Anyway, I can only hope that all of you bare with me for a couple of weeks... I am working hard. Let's hope that this presentation falls through tomorrow. I'm definitely looking forward to this! If it doesn't I'll be sure to hear it in a couple of hours!

Best to all, -John Ott

Prize for Finding Magic Password Goes To (drum roll please)!

Mr. Ott, blogger extraodinaire...........CONGRATULATIONS!

You and another person of your choice will be whisked off to the sunny skies of a location well known to many enormously succesful people such as yourself, for several stupendous fun-filled days of total blissful contemplation. This fabulous excursion will be hosted by the infamous McMath Hilton synonomus with the best cuisine and accomodations now known in the entire universe.

Addtionally, you and your chosen friend will find the amenities available to you to be of the most incredible of their kind for the passionate pursuit of your wildest dreams. All of this and more will be at your disposal addressing the ultimate of your heart desires. To wit, it will seem like you have gone to heaven on earth! Please prepare for the time of your life!

Disclaimer: Any and all representations (oral or written) made to the above are at the behest of the establhishment and it's management, staff, and administator's. No obligation to nor responsiblity for the above are attributed to the ownership and/or respective parties with regard to the aforementioned nor his/their assigns. All rights privledges, etc. as duly represented above are duly assigned to the offerer and/or the the third party (AKA) Universal Unlimited LLC and as such constitute no known obligation to the originator of such an offer, his/her assigns and or to their estates, heirs or other parties hereto unknown or known. Futher, any attmept on the part of the above identified recipent to thwart the intent on behalf of this offer will terminate this understanding and agreement as fully expressed with respect to and for the ajudication of same. All addtional understandings relative to the above will be met by the full force of this understanding and the full intent of the law. Any efforts on behalf of the first party to exempt the second party to the third party of this agreement will remove the liability regarding same to become moot under the constiution of the United States as we have come to know it. Finally, any efforts to undermine, alter, infringe, reinvent, misrepresent, mis-state, reinforce, and/or deliver by conversion to another 3rd party pursuant to the first party will render the understanding articulated here as demonstatable in and of it's own rendering and utterence. To utter is to render this non-binding on all parties as required by law in the District of Columbia lying off the contingent states of various unknown entities.

Any questions of consequence can be referred to the attorney of record if and/or they wish to come forward and identify, indemnify, and/or become the mouthpiece for the holders, seconds to and of same.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I'll Take That Under Consideration! (3-15)

Well I already posted this on the Communication Focus Group blog, but I have to say that is some kind of good news that was brought to the table. Also we should work together to develop the "Six Thinking Hats" agenda. I definitely think that this is necessary.

I'm going to point out that tomorrow might be a little quiet because I might not be able to get a ride to the Observatory. However, I don't think that possibility has a high chance of succeeding.

Best to all, -John Ott

Big John OTT


Sorry I missed you today (by about 7 minutes) . I had a plumbing emergency at my mothers early this morning. Please apologize to your mom for me. We need to get you a set of keys so that if I'm running a few minues late.........you can access the building. We can't afford to have you missing time at the observatory becasue of my tardiness.

I'm pasting in an e-mail here so that you can reflect on what we were discussing yesterday regarding "it is how one reacts to unintended consequences that determines the ultimate outcome and success of any endeavor."

I'll let you be the judge of weather success was achieved in this instance. Incidentally, all I had to do was take the time to ponder the issue and a moment to reflect on same.........draw a few breaths (patience)......share some understanding (verbalize the situation with some others).....work through some options......... and low and behold..........it resolved itself. Which always beats the hell out of acting emotionally and with haste.

We may have to generate those "Six Thinking Hats" graphics we were going to create after all.

See you tomorrow.



Hi Tom:

It appears the V-Tel will be winging its way back to the campus for a Friday deans meeting as you can see. When would you like to reschedule?

Hope all finds you well.



-----Original Message-----
From: James Ross [mailto:Jross2@earthlink.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:47 PM
To: 'Kuchon, Sherry'
Subject: RE: V-tel unit


YOU are the magician! We were attempting to schedule for 9:00AM however I don't believe Tom Smith gave them the paperwork after being told it was not possible. I will inquire with him and see if he did and/or we will reschedule.

THANKS for the quick action. There are some kids (and teachers) that are going to be very happy and thankful that they know Sherry Kuchon!



-----Original Message-----
From: Kuchon, Sherry [mailto:Sherry.Kuchon@oakland.k12.mi.us]
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:12 PM
To: Jim Ross (E-mail)
Subject: V-tel unit


I just spoke with technology services. They said the Kodak V-tel unit at the northwest campus had a problem with the mother board and it was brought here for repair. It should be back at the NW campus for a Friday morning video conference with the Deans. What time is your meeting scheduled for?

I was told that the V-tel unit looks like two units, but it is only one with two monitors.

Also, I left a message with Brooks Patterson's communication specialist about tomorrow's meeting. If I learn anything, I'll share.

Hope that helps ;-)


So This "BUG" Is Old News.... However, That Doesn't Mean We Can't Benefit From This Advice (3-15)

I have noticed for quite a long time now that people refuse to face what is in front of them. What is the point of living a life that contains only shelter? Is it because these people are scared to face the "insecurities of the future?" I find life unfulfilling if I don't investigate and discover the unknown. In this endeavor it is important to only avoid the choices known to put a negative effect on what is wanted out of life. If you don't know what you want out of life then the only way to do that is to evaluate yourself. This is best accomplished by SEEING THE OUTSIDE WORLD!

Now I'm not saying that this is easy, but it sure isn't difficult. Everything is accomplished when a plan, and will is formulated. I found the best way for me to break out of the shell was to follow my plan into "baby steps." I never imagined myself as a "shut in to society." When I noticed that this started to happen I turned to help.

If I never met my friend David O. I would never have been able to escape what I become. I had put up the wall that could not be broken unless there was a certain trait out there. I felt totally oblivious to what had happened and it turns out I wasn't alone. I have found the best way to face the unknown is to go explore it for yourself. Ideally to get the point across I was supposed to say that problems should be faced together, but I can't because I found at an early age that life isn't spoon fed to you. All of us need to develop the courage to face our everyday problems and concerns because it isn't healthy to hold the problems in. In order to succeed in life we need to find ourselves and be happy with the results. If at any time it turns out that what is in the mirror shouldn't be there; then it is time to make a change that you will be forever proud of. Many people can help develop who you are along the way of life because it doesn't matter who does it. All that matters is that the will to change lies in you.

Having booksmarts is very important but is nothing unless the street smarts go hand in hand. I have just recently discovered that I need to invoke some street smarts into my knowledge bank. This however isn't very difficult because high school tends to only thrive off of your attention from speaking up. I still have time to correct my faults and so does everyone of us. I also need to get a girlfriend. The only way to do this is to SPEAK UP AND WORK AT IT!

The sense to belong is important to all of us even if we don't know it yet. So it's time to make a change because all of your dreams follow on the road less traveled. "Life is best accomplished by how we act to the unexplored." Jim R.

Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. If any girl wants to talk to a guy that has looks, personality, and knows what he wants then it is important to contact me.
My AOL IM is.... nterparis and my email is devilmaycry01@hotmail.com
If not.... then that means I'll see these girls at school tomorrow.... SO WATCH OUT!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

john read

Drugs are

David Oliver
Susan Prais
Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Why is it that every ones choices in life are made by others influence? Why cant we make rash choices on are own, are we all just sheep? In life a lot will inevitably happen, the choices we make today will make or brake us tomorrow in one way or another, but why do we want others picking are life for us. We say we want freedom but we do not use, but we to try and force it on others.
There are many choices we must pick from what parent to live with to what to take in school or to take drugs and for some kids these and more made every day. like to wait to the last minute to do homework, they know it has to be done but where is the incentive to do it. Yes it is worth a grade but how far in life will getting an A get you it is a start, but it will not make you boss of Microsoft or give you a million dollars it takes far more then that to get ahead in life.
For some that feel as if they join a club in school will get them a great job but they still have to earn there right for the job but for some being lead a round like sheep is just fine (as long as they are not called sheep) every one need to learn to think for them self not just because some one said it was bad but to know why so that they can make the choice for them self. If we do not we mite as well have a dictatorship. This is how the holocaust happens by not taking the time to think about what is being done to are fellow men/women. We do not to be in such a hurry to get think done take time and ask all the question you need for this is the only way to truly understand what is happing. This is why Hitler was able to do what he did no one stopped and smelled the roses and did not read or cared to read the fine pint on what they sing there name to.
I am truly sorry if this offend any one but this is just how it works.
“One man ignorance is another one success”
Thank you for your time have a nice day

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'll Take On GTM For You! Events From 3-4 Through 3-6 (3-7)

For those of us that need a daily source of truth I provided a somewhat lengthy response to how the GTM went down. I have to say that I am very ashamed that Kettering didn't take part in this effort to get in touch with technology around the global society. Well I guess throughout my extra efforts I can say that I am the only one out of just Kettering that got involved with the program. David O. is technically from Kettering and deserves the recognition as well, but he is involved with OTC the majority of the time. Through OTC he was able to give a topnotch presentation as well. Look to John O. and David O. to pave the way for the future of Kettering. This wouldn't have been possible without David O. and Jim R. I think I am going to take black marker on the GTM shirt and put my name and Kettering on it. Then I will also throw in an arrow to place Kettering on the world map.

If I have to be the sole voice for Kettering then so be it. I just didn't think they enjoyed getting out played by their rivals Mott and Clarkston High School.

It would be beneficial to all of you to check out the comment on the Communication Focus Group.

Best to all, -John Ott
To access the Communication Focus Group paste the link in the browser...

Then go to the GTM Rundown post and click comments, and then click post a comment! ENJOY!

Friday, March 04, 2005

macomb library

I now have a macomb library card, get excited. You can rent movies for free there, surf the web, update this blogg, check your email, and update your fantasy teams. This just might be the greatest place to go when your bored because its all free. O and the obvious you can borrow books and magazines.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Shocking Information! (3-2)

This will become quite useful to what I hope can become a success story. Anyway, this goes to any of the regulars out there. Do you visit this blog and wonder what goes on at and beyond the Observatory? Well I am happy to announce that a new effort is expanding into some massive partnership that will take a bit of my time at the Observatory away from me. After the field trip we conducted here with the Waterford Kettering Schools I noticed the select few that were interested in coming to the Observatory on Sundays. These promising children also thought it would be wise to help conduct the effort into the SOL Summer Camp 2005. I can't think of a better experience for those children! Not only do they get to interact with the various projects being conducted here, they also have the opportunity to experience the "melting pot" of culture that is enriched from this effort!

I hope all of you know by now that the Observatory is looking to V-Tel in HD. I was hoping to be able to get these kids involved in what I hope will be an interactive extravaganza. I was thinking a broadcast would be a great idea to get the word out on this camp. If all of you need more information on this HD, and broadcast arts, feel free to visit the site. I will drop a couple of links at the end of the post.

In order to keep the kids from the field trip involved I set up a new blog site dedicated to them. It is called "Team Innovators." (Possibly a blog will be made as a follow-up for Mott as well.) I will send invites for all of you when the progress is made. I made it clear for the kids to provide some insight... Otherwise no progress will be invoked. The trip wasn't about me it was about the "customers."

For the "Digital OBS HDTV" use the link below...

For the "Team Innovators" use the link below...

Best to all, -John Ott