john read
Drugs are
David Oliver
Susan Prais
Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Why is it that every ones choices in life are made by others influence? Why cant we make rash choices on are own, are we all just sheep? In life a lot will inevitably happen, the choices we make today will make or brake us tomorrow in one way or another, but why do we want others picking are life for us. We say we want freedom but we do not use, but we to try and force it on others.
There are many choices we must pick from what parent to live with to what to take in school or to take drugs and for some kids these and more made every day. like to wait to the last minute to do homework, they know it has to be done but where is the incentive to do it. Yes it is worth a grade but how far in life will getting an A get you it is a start, but it will not make you boss of Microsoft or give you a million dollars it takes far more then that to get ahead in life.
For some that feel as if they join a club in school will get them a great job but they still have to earn there right for the job but for some being lead a round like sheep is just fine (as long as they are not called sheep) every one need to learn to think for them self not just because some one said it was bad but to know why so that they can make the choice for them self. If we do not we mite as well have a dictatorship. This is how the holocaust happens by not taking the time to think about what is being done to are fellow men/women. We do not to be in such a hurry to get think done take time and ask all the question you need for this is the only way to truly understand what is happing. This is why Hitler was able to do what he did no one stopped and smelled the roses and did not read or cared to read the fine pint on what they sing there name to.
I am truly sorry if this offend any one but this is just how it works.
“One man ignorance is another one success”
Thank you for your time have a nice day
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