So This "BUG" Is Old News.... However, That Doesn't Mean We Can't Benefit From This Advice (3-15)
I have noticed for quite a long time now that people refuse to face what is in front of them. What is the point of living a life that contains only shelter? Is it because these people are scared to face the "insecurities of the future?" I find life unfulfilling if I don't investigate and discover the unknown. In this endeavor it is important to only avoid the choices known to put a negative effect on what is wanted out of life. If you don't know what you want out of life then the only way to do that is to evaluate yourself. This is best accomplished by SEEING THE OUTSIDE WORLD!
Now I'm not saying that this is easy, but it sure isn't difficult. Everything is accomplished when a plan, and will is formulated. I found the best way for me to break out of the shell was to follow my plan into "baby steps." I never imagined myself as a "shut in to society." When I noticed that this started to happen I turned to help.
If I never met my friend David O. I would never have been able to escape what I become. I had put up the wall that could not be broken unless there was a certain trait out there. I felt totally oblivious to what had happened and it turns out I wasn't alone. I have found the best way to face the unknown is to go explore it for yourself. Ideally to get the point across I was supposed to say that problems should be faced together, but I can't because I found at an early age that life isn't spoon fed to you. All of us need to develop the courage to face our everyday problems and concerns because it isn't healthy to hold the problems in. In order to succeed in life we need to find ourselves and be happy with the results. If at any time it turns out that what is in the mirror shouldn't be there; then it is time to make a change that you will be forever proud of. Many people can help develop who you are along the way of life because it doesn't matter who does it. All that matters is that the will to change lies in you.
Having booksmarts is very important but is nothing unless the street smarts go hand in hand. I have just recently discovered that I need to invoke some street smarts into my knowledge bank. This however isn't very difficult because high school tends to only thrive off of your attention from speaking up. I still have time to correct my faults and so does everyone of us. I also need to get a girlfriend. The only way to do this is to SPEAK UP AND WORK AT IT!
The sense to belong is important to all of us even if we don't know it yet. So it's time to make a change because all of your dreams follow on the road less traveled. "Life is best accomplished by how we act to the unexplored." Jim R.
Best to all, -John Ott
P.S. If any girl wants to talk to a guy that has looks, personality, and knows what he wants then it is important to contact me.
My AOL IM is.... nterparis and my email is
If not.... then that means I'll see these girls at school tomorrow.... SO WATCH OUT!
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