What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Monday, January 31, 2005

Events Of Mon. 1-31

Suppose the world would end in June 2006... Would any of us be ready to give up the things in life we hold so dear? I wonder how what it would feel like knowing that the rest of the time spent on Earth was all for nothing? I certainly don't know what I would do because I'm not ready to pass through my body to the grave. I never expected a conversation of life altering proportions such as this. Even though I may consider this conversation to be out of the realm of possibility, it may hold possible in someone's mind. That is why I choose to be considerate and learn about the string theory of life ending possibilities.

It's seldom that two women tell me that I am crazy because lets face it; I have people skills and the wherewithal to get a girlfriend. (Yes, I am single.) This previous statement is in the realm of possibility. For example, it is possible to walk to the store and buy milk. It is not possible to walk to the store and buy milk while operating a crane. The following information I have displayed may make perfect since to 99% of you. To prove to the last percent that the information was correct I would need to snort pixie sticks up my nose. If I could survive from the pixie sticks I would have to find Jimmy Hoffa. What I am saying is this; In order to prove that the world is ending proof is needed! When information isn't proposed in an organized fashion the audience falls asleep. I have to admit I'm a pretty bright guy but I haven't seen anything that proves this "fact" possible yet. Imagine a costumer runs in a store and is yelling about a kidnapping. Fear and widespread panic would be the reaction amongst the people. If a costumer runs in a store and yells about his new cat, people would think he was odd. People need to stopping yelling about their new cats and come up with some FACTS!

Best to all, John Ott

P.S. I apologize to Paul, John I., and Jim R. For my "lack of intensity" on this post. I really want to be myself, but today I found that task quite difficult. I understand that I can't always call the shots for what life is throwing at me. I hope all of us can move on from this experience and be better people from it. I would like to say thank you for the hugs I received today, as well a sarcastic thank you to Paul for leaving me in that situation!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Events Of Sun. 1-30

Today this "breakfast club" received further incite on events from Friday. It was no surprise the reaction was as delightful as the news I heard. Today I received the information regarding James Ridgeway's company and it interested me quite deeply. I think an alliance with James is key and if we can get a hold of any other executives like him I see good things for Jim R. And this Observatory. Links to the ECT Center (James Ridgeway's Company) , Civic Mission, CIRCLE Practioners, Amerris High School, Wired's article on right brained thinking, and George W. Bush "Resounding Success" will be posted today. I also feel that more progress will be made on the summer camp hosted by David O., Amber S. Katelyn S., and Jim R. These leaders are capable of hosting a successful summer camp. I would wish them luck, but they don't need it!

Best to all, -John Ott

P.S I added/invited a lot of new faces around here! Right now these faces are mostly made up of interested Waterford Kettering High School (WKHS) teachers. These teachers will leave their name as well as brief information about themselves. My cousin David Skorupski and my good friend Annmarie Zekus will provide key information as well. David may be checking out the Observatory during mid-winter break.

For the ECT Company use the link below...

For the Civic Mission of Schools use the link below...

For the CIRCLE Practitioners use the link below...

To learn about Amerris High School use the link below... (carries same interests for students)

For the Wired article on right-brained thinking use the link below...

For the "Resounding Success" use the link below...
(Key to George W. Bush and the "Machines" plan, but he will call you when he figures his plan out.)

Events Of Fri. (1-28) 1-30

My plans to talk with Rita Dachs have succeeded! She confirmed she is taking her Autistic students for a field trip to the Observatory! Her plan is to be there on (2-25.) I have made several teachers aware of our efforts at the Observatory to better K-12 education. (That isn't our only plan.) Hopefully we can engage in positive activity toward the effort.

We had a meeting on Friday at the Observatory that I will break down for all of you. James W. Ridgeway and Bill Conley were our guests at the meeting. James works for the Environmental Consulting Technology Center. (ECT) He is interested in helping us better education, along with conducting the summer camp. Bill works for the Waterford School District. He shares the same interests as James and the rest of us. Ed, John I., Jim R., Paul, Sherry, and Dan were having a discussion with them about various subjects.

As we hoped, we reached a positive group decision. All of us want Video Conferencing Technology throughout multiple places. James and Bill soon realized that the students are the costumers to deliver this technology. Jim R. Explained to Bill and James that there is capable bandwidth to hold camp activities, and that this project is realistic. There are many ways to develop a successful summer camp and James has a good philosophy. He knew this project isn't about money, it is about students receiving a new learning experience they can't get anywhere else. Project ideas such as a real time view of the sun and stars, and animal exhibits were welcomed. The technology is already available and all we need as some backup on the idea.

James also had his Digital Video Disk (DVD) of the "Green Project" on display. The project gave an in depth look at how water quality was obtained. This project held in Wisconsin was student-driven with advisors on hand. I wasn't surprised when the students stole the show in this project. The students never asked questions and just went to work! (Note to all teachers, students are the customers.) But when the project was finished the end result was fearful. Students only received a thirty second time span to answer five questions on the project! If this was given as a presentation the audience would fall asleep! These questions weren't very insightful either! I don't think "Did you have fun?" is a credible question to ask what the students learned on the project! I honestly can say I laughed out loud at how stupid that question was. However, good news could still be brought from this meeting. A project that was interactive involving a student-driven basis was introduced. So obviously all of us can be content that the potential of our "future leaders" is in good hands. James and Bill have the wherewithal to carry out this task, but together we can make this a reality.

Best to all,- John Ott
P.S. If any business executives are reading this post you should be happy to know we also have the "money" to make this happen. (Bush Dynasty) That was an inside joke by the way.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Hey Ya'll

Hey Ya'll, I love what you guys are doing. (ehh well I love what Johns telling me anyways lol..Sorry I havent really had a chance to read over your site) BUT... I think its great! From what I understand Ya'll are putting together a trip for autistic kids, thats really cool I have an autistic cousin he's 8 yrs old. John told me to give some suggestions about things to do with them though I havent a lot of time so I'll post again soon. I wanted to talk a little about the 21st centry tech. while talking with John he asked me "don't you think most schools have the tools to use bigger and better things, better then a computer..but don't know how to use them yet?" Honestly, Id have to say yes. My answer to him was this "Actually I think that public schools are way behind on more then just tech. I dont think that they are in any way productive." Though I agree with what Ya'll are saying about the tech. but as of right now most people are still getting used to the computer.. If you walked down the street 7 out of 10 people would say they could use Mic. Word. If schools cant get computers down pat then how can they go to more upgraded things? Just something to think about I guess.. I gotta go like I said before love what ya'll are doing! Peace*


hi everyone. i'll probally not post many blogs i'd rather help john create blogs because im sorta lazy and i wouldn't want to lower the quality of entries with my misspellings and inproper use of grammer and punctuation. and so everyone knows how i came to this site it was from john, he is my cuz. well everyone have fun and peace im outtie.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Events of Wed. And Thurs. (1-26 and 1-27)

My best laid plans turned Wednesday and Thursday into a continuation. I wanted to be able to have enough information to share as well as provide some updates. I also will provide some links at the end of the post to elaborate on the updates.

For those of you that are still interested in the web browser "Firefox" good news awaits. The article and software will be available to view and download because I have decided the best way to learn about this is to experience it yourself.

Jim R. And I still talk about the growing problems in K-12 education because it is still failing to grab kids attention and have them learn effectively. This problem should have been fixed awhile ago because Jim R. Has been stating this fact for about ten years. The best way to get a solution to this problem is to look at the link already on the site.

My attempt to get the autistic students at Waterford Kettering High School (WKHS) to come to the Observatory for a field trip will be made tomorrow. (1-28) I hope to speak with Rita Dachs during seminar, as well as ask about the Video Conferencing System WKHS may have. I have been brushing up on some history in order to get prepared for my job as the guide for this trip.

Even though the Presidential Inauguration is over I still have some entertainment that can be bought from this. This link will tickle the funny bone as well as create something for all of us to think about.

I also would appreciate (and this goes out to anyone here) that if you choose not to read anything on this site, do me a favor and READ THIS SECTION. First, take a minute to think what the term "visionary" means. Second, read the post below and be prepared to be amazed. As the people at this site are higher-ordered thinkers we are disgusted to know what this term actually means in the dictionary.

1. Of having the nature of or seen in a vision.
2. Existing only in the mind, not real, imaginary.
3. Not capable of being put into effect. Not realistic, impractical (a visionary scheme.)
4. Seeing or disposed to see visions.
5. Characterized by impractical ideas or schemes.
6. A person who sees visions a prophet or seer.
7. A person whose ideas, plans, etc. Are impractical, too idealistic, or fantastic, a dreamer.

Syn.. See Imaginary
Existing on in the imagination, fanciful, unreal.
Perhaps, INNOVATOR IN THE FIELD would have been a better choice.

For the Firefox Article use the link below...

For the Firefox software download use the link below...

For the funny inauguration article use this link below...
Best to all, -John Ott

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

what up

hey you guys glad to aboard the ship.
i am glad we got another website going that is so awsome. sry i can't say to much real busy. hope to see yah sometime john later on. tah tah for now.
amber schudlcih
(a.k.a redneck)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Events Of Tues. (1-25)

The term multitasking is used pretty loosely here at the Observatory. It was just one of those days because something is always going on here and I wouldn't have it any other way. I had time to get my government homework done which was nice. Only after I had finished, I realized what the agenda for the day was... Find out John Ott's goals and set to achieve them. After I had sat back and thought to myself what my future goals could possibly be, I noticed that Jim R. Was gone out and about again! I watched him because he was trying to fix a printer, but when I turned my back the fun was just beginning. John I. Had come to join us, and what he did for me today set my time at the Observatory from productive to crucial.

John I. Brought an article in pertaining to Blake Ross. As I learned something new today it gave me a new idea to share with all of you. Blake Ross is a computer wizard and by all means he is definitely turning me away from using Internet Explorer (IE) for good. Blake started hacking Netscape by age 14. He unveiled his web browser Firefox by age 19. The stupidity of the Internet Explorer developers Microsoft is very apparent. Since Microsoft is a monopoly (and if not, close to it in my mind) they don't have to make a superior product free from bugs and viruses. However, Blake decided that the people wanted perfection! (Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.) All of the inefficiencies of IE were forgotten and replaced by blazing fast servers and round the clock support due to the open source support. With one million copies already downloaded on the initial release date I'd say this more then signifies my switch to Firefox.

I have a government test to study for so I am delaying my review of the software until Thursday. With all of the positive aspects of Firefox it is worth checking out to see if this software lives up to the hype. America knows the pain of waiting for the web browser to load, now we should put that in the past. Just being able to get on the Internet when it is convenient for you saves a lot of time. Leaving more time to do what has to be done throughout the day. If all of these highlights still have skeptics about Firefox then read my review on Thursday. Oh, and the software is free by the way. I'll be sure to leave a link as well.

John I. Still had some news for me today and quite frankly I was excited. John I. And Jim R. Thought it would be a good idea to have me be a part of Future Farmers of America (FFA) and Global Trade Mission. (GTM) I thought if I receive the chance to get work on other projects I could learn a bit about myself, inspire someone else, and meet new people along the way. I was very excited by this time but the news got even better. Rita Dachs, a teacher at Waterford Kettering High School (WKHS) wanted to take a field trip with her Autistic students to the Observatory! That would be very cool! Since I intern here Monday through Friday I realized the pressure was on me to run through a successful tour. I want this opportunity more then anything and I will do whatever it takes to show everyone how cool it is just to see a new environment and explore new interests in the matter of seconds. What people don't understand is what exactly goes on around here. I'm going to teach these kids a new term, "Renaissance Man." I obviously can't reveal my plans of a successful time but I know this will take self-driven activities to a whole new level. I hope the way I feel about being here (and soon to be a part of the two organizations) makes the kids feel the same way. I want to inspire them and make them feel happy about being here and that is what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk with Rita face to face!

Best to all, -John Ott

P.S. I'm also going to get in touch with some non-profit organizations to let them know what goes on here at the observatory. I would also like to say it feels good to be back... Missing three days is to much for me. I hate you guys for making me like this place so much! (Thank you!) I also took the liberty of adding John I. And Paul B. As well as some new friends to this blog! So we can continue to gain feedback and growing support I feel that was necessary.

Monday, January 24, 2005

hi all

i see john is a hard core blogger wow i have to say "wow" nice job john i am here just saying hi

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Hey John,
You sound really busy at the observatory from what I read, and I wholeheartedly agree with your political view about the President. I also have another side to this, the Democratic Party has been weakening after the Clinton Administration was thrown out, America is looking for a strong leader, but the only thing they realy see is this war and the president's silly tricks. Alot of things have been blamed on the former president but no one, except the ones involved knows the real truth.
For the people, By the people, and Of the People! I don't see this carried out all I see is our President running around all gunhoe all the time.
Also about the polls, I recently found a blog all about politics (came across it by accident) but something caught my eye, votes were already in machines before the real voting was supposed to start, that sounds fishy to me doesn't it, I don't remember the city it was in but there were supposedly 3-4 machines tampered with. Not sure if this is true or false but it doesn't sound right to me.
Oh and I think the poll tell you something about 60% are followers and they do what they are told, 40% are people who want change and are not afraid to do something, and the 40% that didn't vote are either scared, stupid, or a combination of both... of course this is just theororized opinion.
By the way Amber Schudlich's e-mail address is BikerGurlOC16@aol.com
Have fun and see you at the Observatory Sunday!

~Kit Kat

Friday, January 21, 2005

Events Of Fri. (1-21)

Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend today because Jim was busy in a meeting. It is no big deal, I will exchange the information needed on Sunday so if this situation arises again the drive won't be necessary.
Best to all, -John Ott

P.S. I added a new friend to the group as well as a new link to the post from yesterday. Thank my government class for this.
then click to watch the "Second Term" video! ENJOY!!!


Sorry about the mix-up today. Family emergency. Thanks for being a decision maker. Please make my apologies to your mom. See you on Sunday. (I also see you have been very, very, busy and as someone once said "it was good.")


My condolences go out to you and your family. Good health to all... and I appreciate your effort to help along my path of life. Also those links were correct. Thank you very much!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Events of Thurs. (1-20)

Today as few of us know because America was to busy working or sitting in a cubicle, 12:30 PM held the inauguration that entrusted George W. Bush once again..... As PRESIDENT. First of all I think that is a bad time slot! Millions of people missed an event to see a belligerent jerk do the job that was appointed to him. I knew that George W. Bush inherited the job as well as the Texas Rangers baseball club and various oil stock and screwed up those tasks beyond repair. I was however mystified when I learned that OUR PRESIDENT was a raging alcoholic and was soon after a born again Christian. Wow, I thought that type of negative reality wasn't supposed to show up in any one making decisions running the country. I am not surprised that Rumsfeld and crew (around since Regan Era) were helping the PRESIDENT prepare his speech for him to send him along his way to "impress" the crowd. This is all part of the backwards scheme that has been going on since the "Bush Dynasty" was created. George W. Bush needs no experience to run the country when he was spoon fed the opportunity to become a corporate business "machine." As he sits along with Jeb and family he knows he can sit back in safety and screw America over.

In reaction to the broadcast today I can honestly say from seeing Bush and his many arrogant facial expressions I wasn't surprised. Donald Rumsfield looked like a sniper. (all dressed in black with a partially covered face) The symbolism throughout the broadcast was absolutely disgusting! A little boy was seen making a fake gun with his fingers pointing at the sky. (Extreme Closeup) Then immediately after the boy was spotted the picture of the cross was made very apparent. (Extreme Closeup) Being a born again Christian that Bush is, it was made very visible that going to war with other countries was what God told him to do, he must carry out God's mission.

Something is seriously wrong here! President Bush said he won the election by a mandate. If he won the election 60% to 40% off of the people that voted he didn't carry out a mandate. To be honest at least 40% percent of the U.S didn't vote! That is a lot more people that opposed Bush to the number that liked him. DO THE MATH!!!!

Freedom is the opportunity to do what you choose when you choose to do it. It isn't some type of "magic elixir" (Thank you Jim!) president Bush can force on us! Liberty relates to the issue of freedom but can't be achieved until everyone is in agreement of how the country should be governed. We obviously have a disagreement with each other regarding politics. That isn't a bad trait because within that skepticism we spark debate and concern for the country. People are making one simple yet costly mistake. They forget that we end up with the government we deserve. Not voting will land the U.S. yet again into a big problem.

By not voting the U.S. as well as foreign countries are feeling the debacle of "power hungry" affairs. This has been going on for a while now. The "Machine" that is the "Bush Dynasty" is running us with their version of "proficiency." We the people are government, not the "Bush Dynasty."

We the people should have our own freedoms and not have someone push the buttons on the controls because it is fun. This is the same thing we were fighting against in the Revolutionary War! Just because it is difficult to get a "corrupt" power out of office doesn't mean something can't be done about it! GET OUT AND VOTE! Those with the loudest voice have not voted yet. Stop putting quarters in the "Machine."

Whatever happened to the idea of a farmer dreaming to become president to change the world for the better... Some comparisons could be made on this statement alone. I'm sticking with my final thought as whatever happened to the paramount that our founding fathers created....

We now have the rule that it is ok to have a PRESIDENT that is NOT RATIONAL!
"March on Christian soldier you're going off to war..."

"They misunderestimated me." George W. Bush

Best to all, -John Ott
The following was based on opinion and some fact.

P.S Thank you Jim, for helping me construct this work of art. Without your help I wouldn't have been able to come up with a good opinionated/factual article. I applaud and credit Jim with the facts! To those of you who wish to know, my opinion was not swayed by conversation that transpired today. I have always believed that George W. Bush was a tyrant and I was also skeptical of John Kerry. I think a vote is the most powerful voice (and only one) a person can have. Even though the president can only be voted on every four years I can't wait until I turn 18. March 22nd, will become the day I think about my duty as a citizen.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Take heart, a young PATRIOT has spoken...............Truly compelling! The future of the REPUBLIC is safe and will be in good hands.



Events Of Wed.1-19 (Thurs. 1-20)

On the first day as an "intern" my thoughts and prayers were answered. I learned a lot of influential people existed and made their discoveries at this observatory. The first holographic image can be found and talked about here along with ideas of future power sources which are already being praised for the efficient and affordable conscription. We also can talk about the absolute brilliance of Jim K. (He is no ordinary maintenance man.)

Jim R., John I., and Paul debated marketing issues while Ed worked the Picture Telecommunications Unit. (Picture Tel.) I began to read articles which one in particular was a great example of how simple the Picture Tel. Really was easy to use. Jim and the group of guys began using Picture Tel. Since the mid 90's. Picture Tel. Is broadband connection with seamless live video and sound. It is efficient in every way possible and would save schools thousands of dollars given that some textbooks really aren't used that much in the classroom.

A good idea would be to have some type of interactive learning throughout the classroom. One screen would be for students watching the activity and actively participating and asking questions in real time. The other screen would be for the presentation allowing for great understanding and eliminating the lecture that is needed to prepare students for the activity. Keep in mind, lectures are important parts of understanding a task, but all techniques should be used in moderation.

Getting over the fear of the "unidentified" needs to be accomplished, period! Students can show teachers how to use the equipment instead of paying for high priced executives to show the way. The outspread panic of losing jobs as of now is a myth. The districts have to take advantage of the opportunity to create a better learning environment while it is still possible. I speak for student bodies everywhere when I say this needs to be done. As students we can help move along this process by speaking to school staff. The further importance of this situation can be understood by building relationships and saying a simple "How are you today?"

As for myself, I began toying with the idea of giving live adjudications with students from the 43rd district court to the observatory. We later had successful launch with the Picture Tel. Call to Oakland Schools.

Jim R. And I talked about what it takes to become a more involved thinker. In Sun Tzu's book "Art of War" knowledge is a matter of life and death. Everyone of us should take the individual strides to achieve greatness.

From what I can tell a great way to develop yourself is to sit down and read "Art of War."

Best to all, -John Ott

P.S Jim could you please post the link to students teach teachers to this blog. Thank you my friend! By the way until I can get a copy of Sun Tzu's book here is the link... http://www.chinapage.com/sunzi-e.html


I believe this is the "link" you are referring to. It is entitled "How We Learn."

Let me know if this is not what you were referring to. (On further reflection you might have meant the the U.S Department of Education "National Education Technology Plan" entitiled "Next Steps to a New Golden Age in American Education."

Press release http://www.ed.gov/print/news/pressreleases/2005/01/01072005.html

National Education Technology Plan

By the way you are indeed a treasure, young man!

Much continued success!



Introduction (Thurs. 1-20)

I begin to share information from a different perspective. Some claims made on this blog site may be considered to be outrageous or unexplained only to the "unwilling" kind. My quest to "soak" up knowledge will soon take off and fluster those who don't believe in multiple answers to common questions. Alongside vast amounts of everyday objects and people this cure for the common knowledge will be forgotten and surpassed in every possible. My partners in crime, Jim R., Jim K., John I., Paul, Ed, Katelyn S., Amber, David O., and many others help shine life in the correct light.

During my time here this site will be open to any who wish to learn, or join me in the groups countless efforts to better society. Proper invites, terms, and regulations, will follow any information that is expressed here. >(Watch what you say!)

Students and philosophers will find wisdom and a good debate. Teachers will also find the same information as well as deep understanding of what we as a group actually do. Even though this blog is about my daily experiences none of this would be possible without my partners in crime. So big thanks is in order to all of you! Since this is going to happen anyway I'm going to say this now.... I love all of you as if you were my family so if anyone ever needs anything let me know. We together set the precedents needed to better our society as a whole!

I will answer to both this blog and "Sol Observatory Today." This blog will be updated daily(Pending Saturday) So check back often! I hope that this site receives criticism both good and bad. Thoughts will be challenged here because I made that my pledge to you. (everyone) Tell your friends!!! I just hope I can stay in business with these controversial topics!

Best to all,-John Ott


So I finally figured it out! Welcome one and all!

The Introductions and proper terms will be explained and published by 7:00 PM today...

Yo John!

Thanks for the invitiation to your blog-site. I will be looking forward to learning things here.



P.S. I promised I would get you the "link' to The Future of the Internet report so here it is.

Crystal Balling the Internet's Future
A survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project asked technology leaders about their perceptions of where the Internet is headed in the next 10 years. More than half (57%) agreed that virtual classes will become more widespread in formal education and that students might at least occasionally be grouped with others who share their interests and skills, rather than by age.Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project