What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Hey John,
You sound really busy at the observatory from what I read, and I wholeheartedly agree with your political view about the President. I also have another side to this, the Democratic Party has been weakening after the Clinton Administration was thrown out, America is looking for a strong leader, but the only thing they realy see is this war and the president's silly tricks. Alot of things have been blamed on the former president but no one, except the ones involved knows the real truth.
For the people, By the people, and Of the People! I don't see this carried out all I see is our President running around all gunhoe all the time.
Also about the polls, I recently found a blog all about politics (came across it by accident) but something caught my eye, votes were already in machines before the real voting was supposed to start, that sounds fishy to me doesn't it, I don't remember the city it was in but there were supposedly 3-4 machines tampered with. Not sure if this is true or false but it doesn't sound right to me.
Oh and I think the poll tell you something about 60% are followers and they do what they are told, 40% are people who want change and are not afraid to do something, and the 40% that didn't vote are either scared, stupid, or a combination of both... of course this is just theororized opinion.
By the way Amber Schudlich's e-mail address is BikerGurlOC16@aol.com
Have fun and see you at the Observatory Sunday!

~Kit Kat


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