Socratic Seminar Paper (4-20)
Of course, rules were placed on the paper so I could only type two to three pages. The thrid page could only be a few sentences because it would be to much workload for teachers. I'm going to submit my paper for input as well as comments.
I also just found out I recivied student of the month for April! I had my picture taken and it gets to be put into a display case.
Hope to be back soon,
Best to all, -John Ott
Mandatory Conscription: Develops Mandatory Failure
“Even the most far-fetched (myths) can be nearly impossible to extinguish.” (Rumsfeld 1). However, Mr. Rumsfeld fails to realize that this isn’t a myth. America is but a far cry toward death because of the lack of common sense that should be implemented when any task is underway. No morale will be maintained when soldiers are forced into fighting what we now call, a “lost cause.” When anyone is forced to defend the country, we consider that measures have to take place to correct this problem. Military conscription is a bad idea because the problem has started long before many realized it; people are against the war, and against the “cushy” lifestyles which created apathy.
December 9, 1814, marked the date Daniel Webster gave his negative remarks toward conscription. He argued that, “They have not purchased at a vast expense of their own treasure and their own blood a Magna Carta to be slaves.” (Webster 10). The rights that the English fought to win over the British aren’t rights to be provoked. Yet mandatory conscription clearly would be a violation leading this to be considered an involuntary duty, which is considered slavery. This also leads people to think that government maintains a power that is lead to do more harm then well-being. There is no reason to be accepting of a government that is, “More allied to blood and murder, more full then every form of mischief, more productive of every sort of degree and misery, then has been exercised by any civilized Government in modern times.” (Webster 11). Government was created for and by the people. We the people are government itself. Since government has taken such a lousy hit while switching vital roles, how do the people that used to be government take them seriously?
People are against this war so much that, “The army has lowered its standards to let in twenty-five percent more high school dropouts.” (Dickinson 1). A big reason why society is opposed to the war is the fact that the Bush Administration didn’t find the “weapons of mass destruction.” If they couldn’t find the weapons then others still hate the Bush Administration because soldiers are still being killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. This leads those who are less fortunate to now pick up the slack that has been created, “Less then twenty percent of Americans favor forced military service.” (Dickinson 8). When politicians wonder why society is at a downfall they should look toward the ones configuring this “Pandora’s Box” that was never supposed to be open.
These above steps helped contribute a new form of laziness that Americans have lately been accustomed with which is more powerful then the Incredible Hulk himself. “Cushy lifestyles” have helped create the ultimate “apathy.” What is surprising about this? Yet, most critics are in an uproar about why teenagers are, “Playing Grand Theft Auto, surfing the net for porn, and taking bong hits with his buds.” (Stakelbeck 7). While it is sad that teenagers resort to this activity it isn’t far to say that all of them do this. It also isn’t far to say, “I’ve come to the conclusion that middle-class kids today fall into two equally soft categories: on the one hand are the preppy, jeep-driving Dave Matthews Band fans, and on the other, the Eminem-loving “gangsta” wannabes.” (Stakelbeck 7). More then a few intelligent teenagers have come from this era of absolute chaos. Within that, these teenagers have produced work that would make any person wonder in amazement. When all of these kids are put together in a group one predominant fact comes to mind. Kids were put on the earth to contribute, and fighting for a war effort that isn’t going anywhere isn’t a way they want to contribute. What is needed to be seen is one of those politicians fighting for the effort. When the politician backs out because he found what was really going on the perception of people against teenagers will change very quickly. If that doesn’t change a perception then nothing will.
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