What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Step Into New Ground! (1-19)

Breaking news! At 3 P.M. today I have just discovered something grand that could possibly be linked to educational video gaming in the future. MVP 06 NCAA Baseball (MVP 06) (out today!) is developed by EA Canada and teamed with ESPN to bring what is going to be known as "ESPN Integration" which requires broadband access with a Playstation 2 (PS2) or Xbox console. When (MVP 06) boots up the integration brings something similar if not exact to, the sports ticker seen while watching ESPN. This feature is designed to take place while you are playing a game in (MVP 06.) The ticker alerts access to live updates, scores, stats, and breaking news around the sports world, and the data is updated every 20 minutes!

This would be enough to satisfy the casual and hardcore fans alike... but the fun doesn't stop there! Mike Patrick (ESPN) will be providing audio clips of the information as well! Think of the audio as a downloadable two minute movie clip. Altogether the development of the media lets the user experience both sides of the coin in this case. I find that this feature will be a refreshing change from the mundane because users will be able to tuneout other audio in the game that repeats itself with regularity.

The idea is fresh and innovative, and I hope that future developers take an idea like this and implement integration into future games. The possibilities are endless! Educational experiences could undoubtedly become fun! For example a game could have a sci-fi background, and the integration would allow the user to have access to live updates and audio in the world of astronomy. The potential is there for an innovative video game or project to be fun and informative. The question is, who will step up and take a chance to change history?

John: Many are called but few are chosen. STEP-UP young man and let's make some history! Meeting again with the Dean of MSU Communication Arts program in February 2006 to discuss just this topic. (Developing a Masters Program in 3-D Gaming). Perhaps YOU would like to join us. Keep the creative juices flowing!!!!!!!!!

Best, my friend


Best to all, -John Ott

P.S. (MVP 06) is $29.99 and available for the (PS2) or Xbox console! The "article of contention" will be posted before as well as an added bonus until January 31st!

To access the (MVP 06) review use the link below...

To access the bonus use the link below...