What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Composition 2 Class... A logical support of Rochelle Riley in the Detroit Free Press (1-15)

A new semester has started at OCC, which means new information will be posted on this blog quite frequently. Take a look at the short editorial done by Rochelle Riley at... http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060115/OPINION01/601150340/1069

Then read as I support her claims against the false sense of security America is under.

Best to all, -John Ott

Editorial: “Attacks on U.S Ideals”
The editorial written by Rochelle Riley explains the misinformed attacks America endures every day. Riley informs the public that the peace that is falsely being implemented is helping George W. Bush become a martyr in a false sense of praise. What falls to be represented is how times are only good for some, others that are less fortunate have to struggle through an existence that isn’t entirely the fault of their own. What is really going on here is the “war at home.”

Let’s remember some reoccurring events over the last four years that is sent the American working class into a “shadow of its former self.” Hard working Americans understand that the middle class is the essential peace of success in this country, however it seems that Bush is allowing the middle class to stretch their responsibilities to the max therefore crippling the lower class and benefiting the upper class. These tax cuts that Bush has given only benefit the wealthy and big business because it leaves the rest of the financial burden the middle and lower class. Middle and lower class Americans now find themselves unemployed with no access to health care or social security. Just like a See-Saw Bush has forgotten that the stress of his actions has left a pivot toward a section that is struggling to create the balance that used to be in place only because of their action.

The inauguration of last year and the movie “Fahrenheit 9-11” really explain the problems that occurred in the administration in from 2000- 2004. Broken promises and failed aspirations have come back to decimate the administration and those who are paying attention to this understand that the reason Americans aren’t happy with Bush is because he doesn’t follow through with what he says he would. Bush doesn’t need to care about what the public says because they don’t make a difference in his presidency. Bush gets paid off by the successfully corrupt oil company Hailiburton because he in turn makes the money by performing favors for those in the Middle East. Bush provides those in the Middle East what they want, OIL! While he and his associates are getting paid Americans suffer! Just recently Hailiburton has cashed in more money by rebuilding the coast of New Orleans while also making money selling the ravaged house parts for profit. (Riley 1).

I knew that George W. Bush inherited the job as well as the Texas Rangers baseball club and various oil stocks and screwed up those tasks beyond repair. I was however mystified when I learned that our president was a raging alcoholic and was soon after a born again Christian. Wow, I thought that type of negative reality wasn't supposed to show up in any one making decisions running the country. We the people should have our own freedoms and not have someone push the buttons on the controls because it is fun. This is the same thing we were fighting against in the Revolutionary War! We the people are government, if we have lost that right then what is the use of having people in the world? The collective America I came to know isn’t the type to just do the obligated duty to procreate. The America I know has a greater purpose. If I could I’d like to direct a statement to President Bush. Mr. President when I compete for this job I hope you’ll understand that I will win because I will have qualifications in order to run for the country, I will not allow my father to hand me the job for free.


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