What John Ott discovers during encounters of the influencial kind... (Different Observatory Outlook)

Monday, March 27, 2006

After Four Years In Development Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Has Arrived (3-27)

If you are a fan of the series it is obvious that you will enjoy this game due to the series sticking to what has made it so appealing to many of you out there. For those who didn't enjoy the series you will not find anything new or revolutionary.

There has been much acclaim on the feature involving NPC interaction.
(Non-Playable Character) When the NPC's are associated with boring dialogue, and accompany the player to boring and uneventful risk and reward, it creates an average game in itself. These that lead a successful RPG are absent in Oblivion. Think of Oblivion as an open-ended quest without any substance. It is hard to fathom that fact, although it stands to be true for this game.

In closing, I am posting links to two reviews for the game.

Best to all, -John Ott

For the "Good" use the link below...

For the "Bad" use the link below...